Engines of growth

A framework for igniting Canada’s engines of growth

Letter calling on Prime Minister Justin Trudeau and the leaders of the opposition to work together to end the strike by British Columbia port workers.

Re: Work Stoppage at Ports in British Columbia

Dear Prime Minister, Messrs. Poilievre, Singh, and Blanchet,

On behalf of Canada’s largest employers, I urge you to work together to resolve the B.C. port workers’ strike immediately.

There is no doubt the most successful outcomes to any labour dispute are achieved at the negotiating table and we appreciate the Minister of Labour’s attempt to resolve the work stoppage through mediation.  It is unfortunate those efforts were unsuccessful.

We are now asking you to come together to introduce and pass back-to-work legislation.

Each day that the work stoppage persists creates a compounding effect on supply chains that will take weeks to correct.  It means Canadians will be paying more for goods, including groceries and other essential items.

Continued closure at our busiest ports also has implications for Canadian workers across the country.  Manufacturers, farmers, agrifood suppliers, and numerous commodity producers are already beginning to curtail their operations. Inevitably, transportation operators will be forced to furlough their employees.

In addition, Canada’s reputation as a reliable trading nation is at stake.  As a mid-sized open economy, trade is critical for maintaining the high standard of living that Canadians enjoy today. 

Canadians expect their elected officials to make decisions that produce the best results for the country.  The employers I represent offer all parties their full assistance to help resolve this dispute as quickly as possible.


Goldy Hyder