Engines of growth

A framework for igniting Canada’s engines of growth

January 21, 2022, Ottawa – The Business Council of Canada today marked the retirement of Executive Vice President Susan Scotti, recognizing her invaluable contribution to the Council, the national business community and Canada.  

“Since joining the Business Council in 2011, Susan has provided outstanding leadership both to our organization and Canada’s business community as a whole,” said Goldy Hyder, President and CEO of the Business Council of Canada. “Susan has been an unwavering source of wise counsel not only to me and John Manley as Council CEOs, but also to four successive Board Chairs and a generation of Canadian business leaders.” 

From her many years of working on community and social issues, Susan brought an enhanced understanding of the need for business leaders to be mindful of their responsibility to create greater economic opportunities for citizens.  She was instrumental in Council work related to diversity and inclusion. And she helped conceptualize what has become the Business Higher Education Roundtable, a partnership between the private sector and post-secondary institutions aimed at enhancing work opportunities for young Canadians.  

Prior to joining the BCC, Susan was a senior executive with the Government of Canada for over 30 years. She was Senior Assistant Deputy Minister with Human Resources and Skills Development Canada and held senior positions in the Ministries of Canadian Heritage, Communications, Indian and Northern Affairs and the Privy Council Office. She has also served as a board member on a number of community and philanthropic organizations, including the Ontario Trillium Foundation, the Canadian Film Institute, and Ottawa Immigrant Community Services Organization. She is currently a board member of the Ottawa Community Foundation and chairs its grants committee. 

“On behalf of the Council, our members, and the many Canadian business leaders whom she advised and assisted over the past decade, I want to wish Susan all the best as she begins her well-deserved retirement,” added Hyder.