Engines of growth

A framework for igniting Canada’s engines of growth

In an episode of EY series’ Energy Drivers podcast, Scott Balfour talks about embracing innovation and overcoming challenges to produce sustainable and reliable energy.  

“This isn’t just about technology. It’s an important piece to it, of course, but it’s not just about innovative technology. It’s about mindset, it’s about culture, it’s about new ways of thinking, new ways of working. And so, you know, part of our execution, for example, around a digital strategy is grounded in managing the humans that are driving this change, that need to embrace this change. And even the way we go about the implementation of new technologies with new software, new tools and, is different using the agile method, is to do things in in very small pieces, constantly recycling and continuing to adjust as you go.” 

Scott Balfour, President and Chief Executive Officer, Emera Inc.